Core Function Software

By core function software we mean components working closely with the operating system or its underlying hardware. Into this category,
for example, come drivers or systems services that are required for the activation of special hardware or for support of proprietary communication protocols. The components working in unattended operation can often be elegantly implemented as system services.
FORTecH Software has many years experience in the integration of individual hardware solutions in Microsoft operating systems. The solutions developed range from the fast parallel hardware interfaces connected via network drivers to the synchronized transfer of parallel video streams on Firewire. Software packages such as the Driver Development Kit (DDK) or the DirectShow SDK are typically used for the implementation.
Dealing with bus systems used in the process environment, such as Modbus and CAN bus systems or the serial interfaces used within devices such as I²C and SPI, is part of our regular repertoire.
Do you need a driver for your hardware?
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